Legal notice

Company name dieEntwickler Elektronik GmbH

Address Linzer Straße 4, 4283 Bad Zell, Austria

Year of foundation 2013

Commercial register number 393425t

Company court regional court Linz

Authority pursuant to ECG (E-Commerce Law) Freistadt District Authority

Other supervisory authority (according to ECG) not existing

Applicable legal regulations none

Legal form limited liability company

Other information according to §14 UGB managing directors DI Robert Schedlberger, DI Arnold Schönleitner

VAT number ATU67844933

General terms and conditions AGB

Media owner dieEntwickler Elektronik GmbH

Company Head quarter Linzer Straße 4, 4283 Bad Zell

Business purpose technical office for electrical engineering, service in automatic data processing and information technology

Managing director, members of the board of directors or supervisory board manafing directors DI Robert Schedlberger, DI Arnold Schönleitner

Page line information about offered services and products of the company dieEntwickler Elektronik GmbH

Picture credits